Located on the rolling hills between the Apennine Mountains and the Adriatic Sea in Central Italy, San Patrignano is known as one of the most successful drug rehabilitation programs in the world. The Program for Substance Use and Stigma of Addiction is honored to collaborate with this non-traditional therapeutic community that takes a comprehensive and social approach to healing those with severe substance use disorders. This book offers insight into therapeutic communities and their role in individual recovery.
The Program for Substance Use and Stigma of Addiction is committed to helping healthcare providers and the general community effectively identify and respond to substance use disorders. We offer educational materials surrounding substance use disorders and stigma, including books, toolkits, video modules, and more.
Education Modules
This video discusses the role of physician’s biases and attitudes play in treating individuals with substance use disorders.
This video discusses NewYork-Presbyterian’s strategy for employing a more effective screening and diagnosis method for substance use disorders.
This video introduces the current evidence based treatment models for substance use disorder, and addresses common medication myths.
This video provides an overview of the Opioid Crisis in the United States and how the country arrived at the current state of the crisis.
This video addresses how NewYork-Presbyterian is responding to the worsening Opioid Epidemic in New York City.
Opioid use disorder affects millions of people in the United States, and in 2016, only about 17.5 percent of those people received treatment, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Prescription opioid pain relievers like oxycodone can be safe in low doses for treating severe pain (such as after a surgery), but in large amounts, they can have a devastating effect on the body.
Intervening early has many benefits and could save a life.
Treating any type of substance use disorder can be challenging. Your brain has essentially been rewired to depend on the substance, so it’s not as simple as just having “discipline.”
Alcohol is one of the most commonly used substances. Where does it cross the line to alcohol use disorder?
Recommended Reading Materials

Holy Water in My Scotch
If you are looking for hope in the midst of life on life's terms today, this is the book for you.You will identify...no matter your gender, age, culture or stage of life, as Suzanne deals with her life with grace and gratitude. You will enjoy her treasured love story...

The Stigma of Addiction: An Essential Guide
This book explores the stigma of addiction Program for Substance Use and Stigma of Addiction[/fn] and discusses ways to improve negative attitudes for better health outcomes. Written by experts in the field of addiction, the text takes a reader-friendly approach to the essentials of addiction stigma across settings and demographics. The authors reveal the challenges patients face in the spaces that should be the safest, including the home, the workplace, the justice system, and even the clinical community. The text aims to deliver tools to professionals who work with individuals with substance use disorders and lay persons seeking to combat stigma and promote recovery.The Stigma of Addiction is an excellent resource for psychiatrists, addiction medicine specialists, students across specialties, researchers, public health officials, and individuals with substance use disorders and their families.

Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders: A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment
This book presents an evidence-based approach to patients with at least two psychiatric disorders, one of which relates to substance use. The chapters are case-based and written in an accessible style that highlights commonalities, thus making it easy to understand and apply. Co-occurring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders: A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment tackles a complicated subject area with rigor and real-world expertise, improving the standard of care delivered by clinicians who work with this population as well as the lives of the many people who suffer with these co-occurring disorders.

The Opioid Epidemic and the Therapeutic Community Model: An Essential Guide
This book aims to explore the evidence supporting the therapeutic community (TC) modality as a uniquely effective approach to care of individuals living with opioid use disorder and other addictions, and also to identify salient mediators of improved outcome, including long-term treatment and removal from the opioid-associated environment. The book includes multiple international perspectives and is designed for worldwide appeal―for countries that have established some TCs with success, those looking to improve care, and those looking to build them for the first time.